With eyetracker-ng it is very easy to implement custom image processing algorithms. All you have to do is include your code into the ‘your code’ section in the following examples.
import eyetracker
cam_id = eyetracker.camera.camera.lookForCameras()
cam = eyetracker.camera.camera.Camera(cam_id['Camera_1'])
while True:
frame = cam.frame()
''' your code '''
''' end of your code'''
''' press q or ESC to quit'''
key = eyetracker.camera.display.displayImage(frame)
if key == 27 or key == ord('q'):
import eyetracker.camera.camera as camera
import eyetracker.camera.display as display
from eyetracker.analysis.detect import glint, pupil
from eyetracker.analysis.processing import gray2bgr, bgr2gray, mark, threshold, thresholds
import cv2
import numpy as np
def nothing(x):
cam_id = camera.lookForCameras()
cams = cam_id.keys()
cam = camera.Camera(cam_id['Camera_1'])
cam_nr = 0
window = 'decide on the name'
cv2.namedWindow('choose your camera')
cv2.createTrackbar('threshold value', window, 0, 255, nothing)
cv2.createTrackbar('threshold type', window, 0, 5, nothing)
key = 0
while key != ord('y'):
frame = cam.frame()
key = display.displayImage(frame, 'choose your camera')
if key == ord('>'):
cam_nr += 1
cam = camera.Camera(cam_id[cams[cam_nr % len(cams)]])
cv2.destroyWindow('choose your camera')
threshold_types = thresholds.keys()
print 'Indexes corresponding to threshold types:'
for i, v in enumerate(threshold_types):
print i, ':', v
while True:
thresh_v = cv2.getTrackbarPos('threshold value', window)
thresh_t = int(cv2.getTrackbarPos('threshold type', window))
frame = cam.frame()
frame_gray = bgr2gray(frame)
frame_thresh = threshold(frame_gray, thresh_v,
where_glint = glint(frame_gray)
where_pupil = pupil(frame_thresh)
''' your code '''
mark(frame, where_glint)
mark(frame, where_pupil, color='blue')
frame_bgr = gray2bgr(frame_thresh)
new_image = np.hstack((frame, frame_bgr))
''' end of your code'''
''' press q or ESC to quit'''
key = display.displayImage(new_image, where=window)
if key == 27 or key == ord('q'):