eyetracker-ng 0.1-1 documentation



Source code for eyetracker.analysis.detect

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    This file is part of eyetracker-ng.
#    eyetracker-ng is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    eyetracker-ng is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with eyetracker-ng. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# authors: Sasza Kijek, Karol Augustin, Tomasz Spustek
# e-mail: saszasasha@gmail.com
# University of Warsaw 2013

import cv2
import numpy as np

def eye(image):
    #should return a mask

def blink():
    #should return bin

def findBestGlints(shape , where_glint , where_pupil , algorithm = 'pupil'):
        if len(where_glint) < 3:
            return where_glint
        elif len(where_glint) > 2 and algorithm == 'centered':
            result = np.zeros(len(where_glint))
            center_x = shape[1] / 2.
            center_y = shape[0] / 2.
            for ind , value in enumerate(where_glint):
                result[ind] = np.sqrt( (value[0] - center_x)**2 + (value[1] - center_y)**2 )
            ind_1 = np.argmin(result)
            result[ind_1] = shape[1]
            ind_2 = np.argmin(result)
            return np.array( [where_glint[ind_1] , where_glint[ind_2]] )
        elif len(where_glint) > 2 and algorithm == 'closest':
            result = []
            for ind_1 , value_1 in enumerate(where_glint):
                for ind_2 in range(ind_1+1 , len(where_glint)):
                    value_2 = where_glint[ind_2]
                    result.append( np.sqrt( (value_1[0] - value_2[0])**2 + (value_1[1] - value_2[1])**2 ) )
            return np.array(result[0] , result[1])
        elif len(where_glint) > 2 and algorithm == 'pupil':
            if where_pupil == None:
                return where_glint
                result = np.zeros(len(where_glint))
                for ind , value in enumerate(where_glint):
                    result[ind] = np.sqrt( (value[0] - where_pupil[0][0])**2 + (value[1] - where_pupil[0][1])**2 )
                ind_1 = np.argmin(result)
                result[ind_1] = shape[1]
                ind_2 = np.argmin(result)
                return np.array( [where_glint[ind_1] , where_glint[ind_2]] )
    except TypeError:       # means that there is less than 1 glint detected (possibly 0)
        return where_glint
[docs]def glint(image, maxCorners=2, quality=0.0001, minDist=20, mask=None, blockSize=3): ''' Function detects glint on the retina. Based on the funccv2.goodFeaturesToTrack. For more info on parameters check the docs for opencv and goofFeaturesToTrack. Parameters ----------- image : np.array image of the eye where the glints are supposed to be detected maxCorners : int how many glints should it detect, default is 2 quality : minimal accepted quality of image corners minDist : minimum distance between the detected glints, default is 20 mask : area of the image that should be used for glint detection default is None so it looks through the whole picture blockSize : size of an average block for computing a derivative covariation : matrix over each pixel neighborhood Returns -------- where : array ccoordinates(a list [x, y]) for found glints ''' where = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(image, maxCorners=maxCorners, qualityLevel=quality, minDistance=minDist, mask=mask, blockSize=blockSize) if where != None: where = np.array([where[i][0] for i in xrange(where.shape[0])]) return where
[docs]def pupil(image, dp=1, minDist=100, param1=50, param2=10, minRadius=20, maxRadius=70): ''' Function detects pupil on the image of an eye. Based on the funccv2.HoughCircles. for more info on parameters check the docs for opencv and HoughCircles. Parameters ----------- image - np.array image of the eye where the pupil is supposed to be detected dp : int inverse ratio of the accumulator resolution to the image's, minDist : int minimum distance between found circles param1 : int higher threshold for the Canny edge detector param2 : int accumulator threshold for the circles centers, smaller it is, more false positives minRadius : int minimal radius of the detected circle maxRadius : int maximal radius of the detected circle Returns -------- where : array coordinates and the radius of the circle (a list [x, y, z]) for found pupils ''' circles = cv2.HoughCircles(image, cv2.cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, dp, minDist, param1=param1, param2=param2, minRadius=minRadius, maxRadius=maxRadius) if circles != None: circles = np.uint16(np.around(circles))[0] return circles
if __name__ == '__main__': from processing import threshold, gray2bgr, bgr2gray, mark im_gray = cv2.imread('../../pictures/eyeIR.png', 0) where_glint = glint(im_gray) im_bw = threshold(im_gray, thresh_v=73) where_pupil = pupil(im_bw) im = gray2bgr(im_gray) mark(im, where_glint) mark(im, where_pupil, color='blue') while(1): cv2.imshow('Pupil(blue) and glint(red) detection, exit with "q" or "esc"', im) k = cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF if k == 27 or k == ord('q'): break cv2.destroyAllWindows()
